Ursula Schwantner
Research fellow, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Dr Ursula Schwantner is a Research Fellow at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). She is heavily involved in projects related to ACER’s Centre for Global Education Monitoring (GEM), which supports the monitoring of educational outcomes worldwide. It is a central view of the GEM Centre that the systematic collection and analysis of data on education outcomes, and factors related to those outcomes, is required to inform the development of high quality policy aimed at improving educational progress for all learners.

Ursula has 14 years’ experience as an educational researcher, specialising in large scale assessments. Prior to joining ACER in 2014, Ursula was the National Project Manager for OECD/PISA in Austria, and has conducted research on PISA, IEA/PIRLS and TIMSS. Ursula is highly experienced in assessment methodology, quantitative and qualitative research methods, research project management, data analysis and reporting, and public relations.