Webinar: Helping partners make the best use of joint sector reviews
Credit: GPE

This session of the GPE Webinar Series titled "Helping Partners Make the Best Use of Joint Sector Reviews’" was based on the GPE publication titled Joint Sector Reviews in the Education Sector: A practical guide for organizing effective Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs). Participants had the opportunity to discuss strategic and practical aspects of preparing, conducting and following-up on JSRs.

Raphaelle Martinez, Team Lead for Education Policy and Learning, GPE

Janne Kjaersgaard Perrier, Education Specialist and Thematic Lead for Policy Dialogue, Mutual Accountability, and System Strengthening, GPE


  • Jimmy Oostrum, Education Specialist/ SWAp Liaison, UNICEF Nepal 
  • Ibrahima Kaboré, Economist and Planner, Permanent Secretary of the Strategic Basic Education Program, Burkina Faso
  • Valère Munsya, GPE Focal Point and head of the Permanent Education Sector Support and Coordination Secretariat, Democratic Republic of Congo

Watch a recording of the webinar

Access webinar's summary note

Credit: GPE