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Videos in partnership with Associated Press

GPE partners with Associated Press to create compelling content on the most pressing education challenges and how GPE helps countries address them.


Education for sustainable and resilient futures

The event will offer insights from regional and grassroots perspectives into how education can foster resilience in the face of climate-related crises and contribute to achieving Zero Hunger.


Education Innovators Forum: Harnessing digital transformation with AI to solve global challenges

  • Conferences
  • to UTC
  • Arlington, Virginia - USA

This event brings together leading global education development organizations in thought leadership, policy, funding, and implementation to explore the pivotal role and potential of artificial intelligence in the global education sector.


Performance, Impact and Learning Committee meeting. April 2024

The GPE Performance, Impact and Learning Committee will hold a virtual meeting on April 23 and 24, 2024.


Finance and Risk Committee meeting. April 2024

The GPE Finance and Risk Committee will hold a virtual meeting on April 24 and 25, 2024.

Empowering futures: Opportunities for strengthened evidence and collaboration at the intersection between the climate crisis and education

  • Conferences
  • to UTC
  • Geneva, Switzerland

This session spotlights some of the recently produced evidence and practice guidance in the climate-education nexus and explores opportunities for strengthened collaboration to build climate-smart education systems.


Regional meeting of Asia and Pacific partner countries. 2024

The Asia and Pacific constituency meeting will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on May 6-8, 2024.

Media contact

Tamara Kummer

Tamara Kummer
Media Lead
+33 7 82 26 07 18