Finland could play a stronger role in addressing the global learning crisis
Students in class at the Dr. SM Broaderick Municipal School in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Credit: GPE/Daisuke Kanazawa

A report sponsored by Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs urges Finland to step up and take a more active role in addressing the learning crisis in developing countries. Finland has one of the most respected education systems in the world and thus represents the opposite end of the learning crisis spectrum.

Given the country's competencies in the education sector, it should invest more in international cooperation networks like GPE. Education in Finland is based on equal opportunities and competent teachers, and these strengths are wanting in developing countries where the learning crisis is most severe. 

Read the article on STT Info

Students in class at the Dr. SM Broaderick Municipal School in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Credit: GPE/Daisuke Kanazawa

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