Chernor Bah
Chernor Bah

Chernor Bah is a youth advocate for the Global Partnership for Education and a member of the Steering Committee of the United Nations Global Education First Initiative. In 2013 Chernor co-founded A World at School. A former refugee from Sierra Leone, he founded and led after the civil war ended, the Children’s Forum Network, Sierra Leone’s children parliament. In that role, Chernor presented a report on the experience of Sierra Leonean children to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In 2002, Chernor served as Junior Executive Producer of a UN Children/youth radio project, designed to involve young people in Sierra Leone’s post conflict discourse. Since then Chernor has worked with youth in Liberia, Lebanon, Haiti, Uganda and other emergency settings, leading efforts to strengthen youth voices in development and policy processes.. A former UNFPA Special Youth Fellow, Chernor co-wrote a report titled “Will You Listen-Young Voices from Conflict Zones” and co-led the Youth Zones initiative. Chernor holds an MA in Peace Studies from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelors degree from the University of Sierra Leone.