We are at a turning point. Climate change, technology, and conflicts are reshaping our world, but education, a key solution to these challenges, is dangerously underfunded.
More than 250 million children are out of school, and 70% of 10-year-olds in low-income countries can’t read and understand a simple story. Domestic education budgets are under strain, and international support for education in low-income countries has shrunk as donors prioritize other sectors. The result? A generation unprepared to face present and future challenges.
Governments must protect education funding, and donors must reverse the aid decline. We must prioritize teachers, foundational learning, and 21st-century skills to equip young people for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
We cannot afford to put the future on hold.
Dear World Leaders,
As young people from across the world, we are the generation that will shape the future.
If you invest in our education, we can build a world that is fairer, more peaceful, and more sustainable. We urge you to take bold action now, so that every girl and boy can learn.
Education is a right, and a smart investment. It helps build peaceful societies, and gives us the foundational, socio-emotional, and digital skills we need to drive growth, equality, and global citizenship.
Without education, achieving other sustainable development goals is impossible.That’s why we're calling for more and better financing for education:
The kind of education we want to see is:
To achieve this, we need governments and donors to make investments across education systems, from teacher tra ining to school meals, classrooms, and schools that are safe, gender equal, and accessible to all, free from all forms of violence.
The choices you make today will shape our tomorrow.
The time to act is now. Answer our call - fund education.