Webinar: Launch of survey on national education responses to COVID-19

As part of the coordinated global education response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the World Bank have collaborated with OECD for the third round of the survey designed for ministries of education to better understand their responses to school closures and subsequent re-openings. This is part of the work under the GPE $25 million global grant to UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank.
During the webinar, the survey team will explain the survey content and the main education aggregates that it is tracking. In particular, the following questions will be highlighted:
- What will be the timeline for the third round of the survey? How will the third round of survey be conducted?
- How is the deployment of distance learning modalities surveyed, and what efforts are made to collect information about boosting access, particularly among the most vulnerable?
- What information will be collected in the aspects of support to teachers, students and their parents during the pandemic, including vaccination?
- What questions are addressed related to the reopening of schools and supports to ensure equity and a safe return for all?
More information about this joint series on the reopening of schools