The GPE Results Report 2020: How the partnership is making progress

GPE is making steady progress in its mission to deliver quality education to the world’s most marginalized children. The Results Report 2020 shows that in partner countries, more girls and boys are getting an education.

July 20, 2020 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Students sing the national anthem at the flag ceremony that marks the beginning of the school day at Felege Abay Elementary School, Bahar Dar, Ethiopia

Students sing the national anthem at the flag ceremony that marks the beginning of the school day at Felege Abay Elementary School, Bahar Dar, Ethiopia

Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch

The Results Report 2020 is now available!

In four chapters, 18 appendices and 126 pages, the report details and analyzes the results achieved by the partnership against the 37 indicators of its results framework (28 indicators had milestones this year).

The results dashboard and the executive summary are good places to start to get the overall picture of progress. There, you’ll learn for example that:

  • 3 out of 4 children completed primary school and more than 1 out of 2 completed lower secondary school in 2019.
  • Almost three-quarters of partner countries achieved gender parity in school completion rates.
  • 51% of partner countries have substantially improved equity, reaching more marginalized children, up from 32% in 2015.
  • 70% of partner countries increased their share of education expenditure or maintained it at 20% or above in 2018. The total volume of public expenditure to education increased by US$4.8 billion between 2015 and 2018.

Of course, the work of the partnership must continue, and several areas require special attention to accelerate progress and bring SDG 4 within reach:

  • Gender equality must remain high on the agenda of all GPE partners, embedded in sector strategies, implementation plans and monitoring efforts so that all children, but especially girls, can access the opportunities a good education can offer.
  • Data must be made available as the indispensable basis for driving reforms that respond to the needs identified.
  • Teachers training must continue to be a priority as a key cog in effective education systems, and they must have the support and resources they need to ensure children are learning.
  • External programs must be aligned more closely with national systems, to avoid duplication of efforts, follow the countries’ priorities, and build capacity that will outlive them.

With millions of children still locked out of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of the all partners within GPE is more important than ever. Making education systems more resilient to crises will mean building back better, as millions of children may be in and out of school for months, millions of teachers will need to learn new ways to teach remotely, and millions of parents will have to engage differently with their school administration to support their children.

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I will spread the message to colleagues and to selected politicians here in Canada about the splendid work you are doing

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