Blog series: Foundational learning as key to transform education

Views on the importance of foundational learning to give today’s students the skills they will need to thrive in the world of tomorrow.

June 23, 2023 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Students play with blocks and other materials at Aranaputa nursery school, Region 9, Guyana. February 2023. Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch
Students play with blocks and other materials at Aranaputa nursery school, Region 9, Guyana. February 2023.
Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch

Foundational learning provides the essential building blocks for all other learning, knowledge and higher-order skills. Unfortunately, still too many children in GPE partner countries are not acquiring these skills, making them unlikely to succeed in later grades or achieve their full potential.

Ensuring foundational learning for all appears to be one of the most critical and cost-effective investments a country can make in its people and overall development.

In this blog series, experts and practitioners present their views on the importance of foundational learning; the needs, solutions and opportunities to support it, with lessons drawn from experiences.

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We have been helping a number of local governments in Papua to improve teaching and learning process at their primary schools. The number of schools that we have intervene are increasing every year, but there are still many school don’t have the chance. How can we work with PPE to solve this issue?

This is a good initiative because, from the age of 1 to 6 years is a very critical stage in a child’s growth and development. Whatever the child comes into contact with becomes part of him or her forever and very difficult to change. It requires professional skills in Child Psychology and in health. This is not a position for laymen . 😎
Thank you.

Analyse très pertinente.Alors ma question en tant que enseignante au primaire est la suivante . Comment redresser le niveau des enseignants mais aussi la réduction du programme.Je suis au Sénégal j avais un effectif de 110 élèves au cp. A cela s ajoute la politique de l enseignement inclusif j ai un déficient visuel je suis obligée de rajouter le braille .

Bonjour est ce que réellement les fonds octroyés pour redresser le niveau des enseignants ou même élèves arrivent a leurs ayants droits .

Zimbabwe is one of the countries in Southern Africa and needs this program to assist the marginalised children within the rural communities. I am passionate about the wellbeing of children for they are the future of our nations.

A big thank you to GPE for all the great work you are continuously doing globally in education. Was wondering if GPE will continue supporting schools in my country Sierra Leone and what recommendations you can give an NGO supporting primary and secondary schools here.

In reply to by Tamba Gbamanja

Thank you for your comment.  Yes, GPE will continue to support Sierra Leone. Visit our country page here to learn about the focus of our support, in line with the strategy of the government:

Chantal / GPE Secretariat

Nous sommes heureux chaque fois que nous recevons vos emails contenant de nombreuses informatioins educatives pour les enfants.
En plus de votre programme de s'occuper que par les projets de gouvernements,vous devriez egalement envisager de reflechir a la facon dont vous pouvez gravir les echelons des gouvernenments locaux,il existe de nombreux problemes dans le domaine de l'education.
La plupart des dirigeants n'ont pas des projets a l'ordre du jour de faire les voyager un peu partout dans leurs pays pour constater par eux-meme ce qui se passe dans les villages.
Un bon example est de l'ancien president de la Republique unie de Tanzanie Makufuli,qui s'est souvent porte volontaire pour voyager dans son pays et a recu de nombreuese critiques de la part des dirigeants du gouvernement pour ne pas avoir mis en oeuvre divers services pour les budgets des projets gouvernementaux dans les zones rurales.
Les populations rurales ne beneficient pas davantages du budget des projets de developpement de leur pays,c';est pour quoi elles se sont impliquees dans la creation de leurs propres groupes /initiatives de developpement pour s'aider elles-memes.
Nous demandons que ces initiatives soient habilites a atteindre leurs objectifs.

Bonjour, c'est avec réel plaisir que je vous présente mes satisfactions en tant qu'enseignant chercheur chaque fois que je vous lis. Je voudrais juste vous de demander de réaliser ces genres d'études dans mon pays le Tchad qui fait face à d'énormes difficultés pour l'apprentissage fondamental des enfants. Merci.

In reply to by Assem Gadebé

Merci pour votre commentaire, que nous avons bien noté.  Chantal / Secrétariat du GPE

Yes please, you are doing very good job for humanitarian to the community development to reduce stigma and poverty in the community development. We need to be a community school of kids and youths to participate in the system for same to support education in community education to educate orphans and vulnerable including youths and widows in the community.
Kalomboka need support for the community.

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