Inclusive education

GPE helps make education more accessible and equitable, so that no child is left behind.

Our results

$1.1 billion
in GPE funding
strengthened education systems in 17 countries where refugees have access to school.
$521 million
in GPE funding
supported inclusive education in FY23.
$142 million
in GPE funding
supported children with disabilities since 2021.


GPE in action

Research and data: GPE supports national governments to strengthen education data systems, including efforts to disaggregate data. GPE also works with partners to build the global evidence base on inclusion, including through publishing research such as the household survey data on disability and education, mapping of partner efforts on disability inclusion, and evidence notes on specific topics.

Planning: GPE supports gender-responsive education planning, which considers intersectional dimensions of inequality. GPE also supports efforts to strengthen guidance, such as the methodological guidelines on education sector analysis, which help countries assess the barriers facing children with disabilities, and the policy dialogue tool on refugee inclusion.

Systems approach to inclusion: Partner countries use GPE grants to build inclusive systems, including through interventions such as training teachers in inclusive education, making school environments more accessible, better identifying children with functional difficulties, developing and distributing inclusive learning materials, establishing inclusive policies, and making education financing more equitable.

Advocacy and learning: GPE advocates for inclusive education at the global, regional and national levels, supports knowledge exchange (see GPE KIX for more), and facilitates peer learning on inclusive education.

Engagement with civil society: GPE works to enhance the capacity of civil society – especially organizations advocating for the most marginalized, such as persons with disabilities and refugees - to engage in education sector planning, policy dialogue and monitoring and to promote transparency and accountability (see Education Out Loud for more).

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