Parents involvement in their children’s education: A key to success

Parents have a lasting impact on children's learning. On the Global Day of Parents, we honor parents for their commitment to their children.

June 01, 2018 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Aishetu Mahmoudu Hama (in pink), 23, encountered some challenges when going to school, but she persevered and is now one of the few girls who continued on with her education. Niger. Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch

Aishetu Mahmoudu Hama (in pink), 23, with her family. She encountered some challenges when going to school in Niger, but she persevered and is now one of the few girls who continued on with her education

Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch

Today is the Global Day of Parents, an occasion to honor parents around the world for their lifelong dedication to nurture their children.

Parents and extended families have the most direct and lasting impact on children's learning and play a key role in supporting their education.

Research shows that when parents are involved in their children’s education, children are more engaged with their school work, stay in school longer, and achieve better learning outcomes. This also translates into longer-term economic and social benefits.

Even though the role of a parent in their children’s education evolves as children get older, it’s important to remember that parents remain role models. Their attitudes towards education can both inspire children and empower them as they go through their own educational journey.

The Global Partnership for Education believes that parents should be actively involved in their children’s education, and be part of efforts of ensuring that all children receive a quality education.

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Bjr ou bsr, je suis camerounais d'origine et naturellement ecrivain, je suis heureux de lire cet article encourageant l'éducation des enfants. Bravo encore pour votre organisme qui ne cesse de défendre les droits des enfants a travers le monde.

Parents hold the key to children's education.

100% agreed. Parents hold the key to their kid's success in life. My recommendation is to give your child the confidence to make their own decisions. In my experience athletic toy or toys which involve climbing activities is a great way to teach your kid the importance of understanding their mental and physical abilities.

Parents are the backbone to children's education. I love the program

parents are the road to succession in education. I need it the most.

Parents are the Lumber and sacrum of the backbone

Why only parents