Julia Gillard: It will take "trillions of dollars" to fix the world's education problem
Julia Gillard, Board Chair, Global Partnership for Education, explains why investing in education makes economic sense. Credit: GPE/Chantal Rigaud

GPE Board Chair Julia Gillard said that providing children with an environment and an opportunity to learn will come with a massive price tag during an event highlighting why investment in people is the foundation for building human capital across the world hosted by the World Bank. 

Julia Gillard was joined by Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank CEO; Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director; Mabel van Oranje, Founder and Chair, Girls Not Brides and the discussion revolved around how leaders could improve childhood education as well as combat issues that hold children back from educational attainment, such as child marriage and lack of access to healthcare.

Read the whole article on Yahoo Finance

Julia Gillard, Board Chair, Global Partnership for Education, explains why investing in education makes economic sense. Credit: GPE/Chantal Rigaud

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