A stronger partnership between health and education can achieve the SDGs
Schoolgirl at the Ruben Dario preschool in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Credit: GPE/Carolina Valenzuela

Alice Albright, CEO of GPE, and Donald Bundy, authored together an article published in The Lancet to discuss the under-exploited yet powerful opportunities for synergy between the education and health sectors. Education promotes health: educated girls and young women are usually healthier than girls who have not been able to go to school. They are more likely to raise healthier children, who are more likely to survive past the age of 5. 

The unprecedented success of GPE's Financing Conference in February signaled a new phase of global political support for education, and as the SDG agenda gathers momentum, there is an extraordinary opportunity for education and health to work together to move the needle on the human capital development, which is essential for a sustainable future.

Read the article and listen to an interview of Alice Albright (podcast) on The Lancet 

Schoolgirl at the Ruben Dario preschool in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Credit: GPE/Carolina Valenzuela

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