The G20 New Delhi Summit: Statement by GPE CEO Laura Frigenti
G20 summit in India

On 9-10 September 2023, G20 leaders met in New Delhi for the G20 Summit.

I congratulate the African Union on becoming a permanent member of the G20, a historic milestone.

I welcome the Leaders’ Declaration and its commitment to “inclusive, equitable, high-quality education and skills training for all, including for those in vulnerable situations”; as well as its recognition of foundational learning (literacy, numeracy and socio-emotional skills) as “the primary building block for education and employment”.

I am also heartened by the strong focus on accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (including sustainable finance), ensuring access to education for all girls, including those with disabilities, halving the digital gender gap by 2030; and eliminating gender-based violence, stereotypes and biases. 

In addition, the acknowledgement of the need for “environmentally sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development” and “addressing debt-vulnerabilities in low and middle-income countries” is encouraging. These are all the foundations upon which a better tomorrow will be built. But to turn dreams into reality, we need concrete action and investment.

Education is key to progress towards these wide-ranging ambitions. Education’s positive impact can only be unlocked through more and better funding to education, to meet the growing need and leverage its impact on other global challenges.

I urge G20 leaders to continue the legacy they have started, and build on the strong leadership showed by the G7 in Japan, to drive greater ambition to education financing through the Brazilian presidency of the G20.

G20 summit in India

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