
Learn about Kuwait as a partner in the Global Partnership for Education.

Pledge for 2021-2025 replenishment
USD 30,000,000

Aid to education

In 1961 the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) was created to act as an implementing agency in all developing countries on behalf of the Kuwaiti government.

The KFAED acts under the supervision of the Prime Minister, who delegates this mandate to the Minister of Finance. Other ministries, public authorities, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also contribute to promoting development internationally, notably the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which can also provide humanitarian assistance.

The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development primarily provides low interest rate loans and loans to co-finance projects with other international, regional, or national development partners. In addition, the fund provides guarantees and administers Kuwaiti government grants and provides grants for technical, economic, and financial studies and assistance.

In 2015, the Kuwait Fund provided its bilateral development cooperation mostly to Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Egypt, and Pakistan.

The main sectors for the KFAED’s bilateral development cooperation were:

  • economic and energy infrastructure
  • multisector aid for basic social services
  • education and health.

Kuwait and GPE

Kuwait joined GPE in 2021. At the 4th replenishment conference in London, the country became a first-time donor to GPE pledging US$30 million.

Watch the Global Education Summit of 2021

Last updated July 24, 2024