Transforming education in Benin

Many children in Benin do not attain minimum competency levels, and persistent disparities based on location, gender and income level call for transformative change.

Benin’s Partnership Compact identifies strengthening foundational skills for all girls and boys aged 3 to 18 as a key reform to achieve results at scale.

The government of Benin is working with GPE and other partners to address the root causes of low learning, tackling four areas.

The first is ensuring the availability of qualified teachers through a comprehensive reform addressing qualifications and standards, pre-service and in-service training, accountability mechanisms, recruitment, allocation, support and retainment of teachers.

The second is strengthening the production and use of data, including learning data. The third is establishing standards for the sector with an emphasis on pre-primary education, learning in the early grades, sciences and technology in secondary, and management of schools.

The fourth addresses equity challenges by reducing economic and social-cultural barriers targeting disadvantaged areas, leveraging community-based interventions for out-of-school children and accelerating girls’ education in Benin.

Result story

Benin is giving more children a chance at education

With support from the Global Partnership for Education since 2007, Benin has expanded access to education in remote areas through various interventions, ensuring that more children go to school and stay in school.


(data as of September 12, 2024)

  • Type: Program development

    Years: 2024

    Allocation: US$239,000

    Utilization: 0

    Grant agent: UNICEF

  • Type: System capacity

    Years: 2022 - 2025

    Allocation: US$585,465

    Utilization: US$213,185

    Grant agent: UNICEF

Civil society engagement

As part of its investment in civil society advocacy and social accountability efforts, GPE’s Education Out Loud fund is supporting:

  • The Coalition Béninoise des Organisations pour l'éducation pour Tous ( CBO-EPT) for the 2022-2024 period. This builds on previous support from the Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF).
  • The Organisation pour le Développement Durable le Renforcement et l’Auto-promotion des Structures Communautaires (DEDRAS) for the 2022-2024 period.

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