Education in Lao People's Democratic Republic

A fifth grade student reads aloud in front of the class while teacher Khammanh Ladavone looks on. Somsanouk Primary School, Pak Ou District, Lao PDR. Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch

Partner since:

Total grant support: US$70,454,162

Grant eligibility:

  • Multiplier
  • Girls' Education Accelerator
  • System capacity
  • System transformation

Education sector plan

Objective: Develop human resource with knowledge, skills and values to be a quality workforce that can meet the demands of a growing and sustainable economy.

Other key documents

Coordinating agency: Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), UNICEF

GPE Team lead: Plamen Danchev

Transforming education in Lao PDR

Lao PDR’s education and sports sector development plan 2021-25 has been developed at a critical and difficult time due to COVID-19. Its overall objective is to develop human resources with knowledge, skills and values to be a quality workforce that can meet the demands of a growing and sustainable economy.

The plan focuses on reducing disparities among girls and boys, ethnic groups, the rich and the poor, particularly across disadvantaged districts in Lao PDR.

The plan’s priorities are to:

  • Refocus the sectoral priority on primary education to improve content knowledge and pedagogical skills of primary teachers.
  • Expand access to lower secondary make it more affordable, effective, and realistic.
  • Realign the skills and competencies of the ministry of education’s staff to meet the current and foreseen needs of the system more effectively.
  • Provide institutional strengthening to the provincial education and sports service, district education and sports bureau, clusters and schools to enhance their efficiency, effectiveness and accountability through realigning their mandates, roles and responsibilities.
  • Enhance learning outcomes and reduce disparities through more effective and efficient management of resources through targeting improved education performance particularly in the 40 most disadvantaged districts, as identified by the Ministry of Education.
  • Provide enhanced post-basic education contributing to and supporting the social and economic priorities of the previous education sector plan.

Result story

Lao PDR: Helping the youngest children to read and continue learning

  • Low levels of early grade reading are affecting children throughout Lao PDR.
  • With GPE support, the government of Lao PDR is helping its youngest and most vulnerable students to improve their reading skills.
  • Through a reading readiness program and school block grants, more children are now adequately prepared for grade 1.


(data as of September 12, 2024)

  • Type: Program implementation and Multiplier

    Years: 2021 - 2027

    Allocation: US$17,500,000

    Utilization: US$10,375,236

    Grant agent: WB

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