As a follow up to the Joint Sector Review Cross-Country Exchange Initiative launched in 2017, when Malagasy and Chadian government officials met in Kinshasa to observe the JSR of the interim education plan, the GPE Secretariat has launched a new series of cross-country exchanges to support peer learning around JSRs.
The ambitious goal underpinning these exchanges remains unchanged: to support developing countries in improving their own reviews through exchange of knowledge and practices in preparing, conducting and following up on JSRs.
The exchanges are structured around mutually defined objectives, with a group of representatives from three or four countries participating virtually in a series of technical discussions, followed by a mission in one of the countries (“the host country”) to observe the organization of the JSR there.
The host country as “laboratory” for observation and exchange
In July 2019, the main organizers of reviews in Burundi, Comoros, Chad and Burkina Faso visited Madagascar to participate in peer learning activities and observe the JSR. The ministerial delegations for Burundi and Comoros were accompanied by representatives of the coordinating agency (UNICEF-Bujumbura) and the grant agent (UNICEF-Moroni) who also participated in technical discussions throughout the week.